Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

Galau Itu Sederhana

Diposting oleh Unknown di 7:15 AM 0 komentar
Enggak perlu nunggu putus cinta gara-gara pacar ternyata selingkuh sama emak kita sendiri, atau setelah menyadari diri sendiri bahwa kita hanyalah anak yang  dipungut dari hasil pemilu...
Yeempun drama banget yak? Karena galau itu sebenarnya gara-gara hal sepele seperti...

Galau Itu Ketika Pasokan Uang Jajan Menipis
Sebagai anak yang gajiannya bulanan, duit yang kian lama kian kering padahal belum tanggal tua itu bener-bener tragis. Tiap liat dompet tuh kek liat bawang, bawaannya pengen nangis :(
A (aku) B (Bapak)
A : Bapak... duitku udah habis *sambil pasang muka melas*
B : Sama dong! DUIT= doa, usaha, iman, taqwa
A : *facepalm* *lalu mengunyah sajadah*

Galau Itu Pas Mau Bobok dan...

Udah gosok gigi, solat, udah selimutan dan bersiap buat menjauh dari dunia yang fana ini *ceilah...* dan.........

takdir berkata lain, akuh kebelet eek dong ;P

Galau Itu Ketika Ada Kecoak Menghantui

Lagi syahdu-syahdunya melakukan kegiatan produktif seperti nonton film, leha-leha, dan melamun memikirkan masa depan. Namun kebahagiaan itu tidak berlangsung lama ketika seekor kecoak nista datang dan mengintai. Apalagi kalo sambil terbang-terbang, yang bisa kita lakukan hanyalah: menjerit ngondek   -______-

Because he can always smells our terrified scent.

Galau itu.... 

Ketika bulan Mei udah mau habis! muehehehe :( tapi gak papa ding soalnya bentar lagi gajian!

Jumat, 01 Mei 2015


Diposting oleh Unknown di 12:30 AM 0 komentar
How does it feel to be seventeen? 
I think I’m about to freak out. Wait, I already am. Being 17 and all is overwhelming. Maybe age is just a number, but for me, it also about achievements. And these couple days it got me thinking. What have I done in the last 17 years? 
The answer is: not much. 
I’m still nowhere to make everyone in my life happy and proud. Not even my mother. Maybe she is proud of me, I would never know because she never tells me so. 
But whatever I might feel inside and whatever my twisted mind trying to tell me, one thing I know is: I am lucky surrounded by people who love me. For who I am. Meythria is a bitch. Meythria is (sometimes) unpleasant to be with. Meythria is so self center, she wants the universe revolves around her. And that, sometimes, drift people away from her. But still, I am trying every day in my life to be a better person. 
I am grateful to have so many kind and special people in my life. And I thank you, Mom. You are the one to make me believe I can do things that seems impossible to do. You, are my torch, lights my way especially when I am lost and can’t see or think what to do. I love you, for being quirky, funny, smart, warm you. Thank you.  
They say, life begins at thirty. I say, life begins when you know how to be grateful. 
And I am still learning. 
So, welcome, seventeen. Let’s get awesome together!

PS : Maap kalo ada kesalahan grammar, ceritanya lagi gaya-gayaan :P


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